General instructions for use
2.1 Suitable fuels
Logs and wood briquettes may be burnt in all DROOFF stoves. Please refer to the model-specific
‘Technical Information’ data sheet for the fuels approved for your DROOFF stove. Only use these fuels.
The German Federal Immission Control Act prohibits, among other things, the use of the following
fuels in your stove:
Damp wood or wood treated with wood preservatives
Painted or plastic-coated wood
Fine wood chips
Bark or chipboard waste
Coal breeze
Paper and cardboard (except for kindling)
A stove is not a waste incinerator! It must not be used to burn any waste materials.
Doing so will harm the environment and damage your stove.
2.1.1 Wood: our fuel
There are many factors that make logs an important and environmentally friendly energy source with
an excellent ecological balance. Heating with wood is not only carbon-neutral, it also avoids the environ-
mental impact of extraction (caused by oil rigs and fracking, for example) and transport (such as pipelines
and HGVs) of fossil fuels. In Germany, regional forestry operations manage our forests in a particularly
sustainable manner and ensure we have an adequate supply of wood to last us for generations.
Global warming is undoubtedly the greatest global challenge that lies ahead of us, and the development
of renewable energies is one of the major cornerstones in our essential energy transition. Without the
use of wood as a fuel, it is highly unlikely that we will achieve the ambitious climate targets set by the
European Union.