See Page 26 for steam supply and condensate
drain line connection instructions.
4. Position the flange of the L-bracket so it is upstream of the tubes when the
assembly is raised and fastened into po si tion. Fasten the L-bracket to the
end of the dispersion tubes with the provided bolt, lock washer, and flat
5. Before tightening the L-bracket bolts to the dispersion tubes:
• For 1½" (DN40) dis per sion tubes:
– Dispersion tube will rotate in slip coupling. Verify that dispersion tube
orifi ces are directed perpendicular to airfl ow.
– Dispersion tube and slip coupling must be fully engaged on header
stub for O-rings to provide a seal.
• For 2" (DN50) dispersion tubes:
Before securing hose cuff in place with hose clamps on dis per sion tube
and the header stub, verify that dis per sion tube orifi ces are directed
perpendicular to airfl ow.
6. Slide the assembly up until the L-bracket aligns with the mount ing holes in
the duct.
• For 1½" (DN40) dispersion tubes:
– Header pitch is duplicated in the L-bracket.
– Dispersion tube and slip coupling must be fully engaged on header
stub for O-rings to provide a seal.
– High end of L-bracket can be fastened tight to duct or air handler.
– Fastener on low end of L-bracket must be long enough to compensate
for pitch. Use a nut on both sides of L-bracket and duct or air handler
for stability.
• For 2" (DN50) dis per sion tubes:
– Fasten bracket to top of duct and use hose cuffs to compensate for
header pitch.
– Before securing hose cuffs with hose clamps on dispersion tube and
header stub, verify that header pitch, 1/8"/ft (1%) toward drain, is
7. Permanently secure both ends of header, and verify that header pitch,
1/8"/ft (1%) toward drain, is maintained.
8. Verify that all fasteners are secure:
• L-bracket to duct
• Dispersion tubes to L-bracket
• Hose clamps on 2" (DN50) tubes
9. Secure and seal the dispersion tube escutcheon plate and condensate
drain tube escutcheon plate around the respective tubes, if applicable.
Dispersion: Rapid-sorb