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ENIGMA Z Enclosure Manual Ver 1 Rev 4 04/2017
(Right-hand door installation shown as example)
Fig. 28b
Thread Lock
Panel side
Stopper (#01)
Door side
Fig. 28a
NOTE: The Door Stoppers (#01) must be positioned correctly to prevent the handle
from contacting the Stationary Glass (#02) and to stop the Door Glass (#05) in a
position that allows the bumper strip to create a seal with
the return panel glass, but
does not allow the door glass to bang into the return panel glass during normal
Observe the correct position of these stoppers and re-position if necessary.
Adjust both Door Stoppers (#01)
to ensure that they are positioned
upright and the Door Glass (#05) is in
its maximum opening and closing range.
Apply Thread Lock Adhesive (#20) to
the set screws and tighten the set screws
to fasten them in place. (Fig. 21)
Adjust the Roller Guards (Fig. 18) on
both Roller Assemblies (#04) to within
1/16” of the Upper Guide Rail (#03) to
ensure that the Door Glass (#05) is
secure. (Fig. 28a and Fig. 28b)
Door Stopper installation position:
1. Remove the set screw
2. Slide the Door Stopper (#01) onto the Upper Guide Rail (#03)
3. Align with stopper hole in the Upper Guide Rail (#03) (stationary panel side only)
4. Apply Thread Lock Adhesive (#20) to the set screw threads
5. Tighten screw into the stopper hole (stationary panel side only)
6. Correctly position the door side stopper and tighten the set screw with Thread Lock Adhesive (#20)
(Fig. 28b)