R699751 - DreamScaler3 User Manual
AVIA will assist in setting up the input to which your DVD player is connected. DreamVision recommends that you
use a digital connection, DVI, HDMI or SDI, or a high quality analog connection, component video. Don’t use S-
Video or Composite video for a higher quality source like DVD. Before calibrating the input for your DVD player,
make sure that your DVD player is set to ‘16:9’ output, not ‘4:3’. You will also want to turn off any extraneous features
like noise reduction which may add more noise than help. Set all picture settings on the DVD player to either ‘Off’,
‘default’, or ‘0’.
Use the test patterns included on the AVIA DVD to adjust the picture controls on this input. If you are not familiar
with how to make these adjustments, watch the guided setup first, and then make each adjustment. You can find the
guided setup by clicking ‘Advanced AVIA’ from the main menu, and then selecting ‘Basic Video Adjustments’ on the
following menu page. Each picture control is explained in depth and the narrative will tell you what to look for in a
properly adjusted display.
Once you have made these adjustments, there are several patterns on the AVIA DVD that can be used in
conjunction with the built-in test patterns of the DreamScaler3 to verify the settings are correct. Access these as
1) After inserting the AVIA DVD into your DVD player, press the ‘top menu’ button to bring up the main menu.
2) From the main menu, select ‘Advanced AVIA’.
3) On the right hand side of the ‘Calibrations’ menu page select ‘Video Test Patterns’.
4) From the ‘Video Test Patterns’ menu, select ‘Gray Scale & Levels’.
5) From the ‘Black and White Levels’ menu, select the ‘Needle Pulses’ test pattern. This is to be used with the
‘Half B/W’ internal test pattern from the DreamScaler3.
6) Once you have adjusted brightness and contrast, go back to the ‘Video Test Patterns’ menu and select ‘Color
7) From the ‘Color Adjustment’ menu, select ‘Special Color Bars’.
Use the ‘Full Bars’ test pattern in conjunction with the ‘H-Clr7 Bars75’ internal test pattern from the scaler.
Use the ‘Full 100 Bars’ with the ‘H-Clr7 Bars100’ internal test pattern.
My DreamScaler3 shows an error message.
If the DreamScaler3 does not boot correctly, you may get an error message. Performing a hard reset of the
DreamScaler3 should clear any memory errors and reboot the unit to its factory default. If you still get an error
message after performing a hard reset, contact our distributor for service.
Perform a hard reset of the DreamScaler3 unit using the remote control as follows:
1) Press the Configuration button on the remote until the Front Panel Display (FPD) reads ‘Configuration / Factory
2) Press Enter. The FPD indicates ‘No’
3) Press the up arrow. The FPD indicates ‘Yes’
4) Press Enter. The DreamScaler3 reboots to its factory default
Perform a hard reset of the DreamScaler3 unit using the buttons on the front panel as follows:
1) Unplug the power supply from the DreamScaler3 unit
2) Press Menu and Exit buttons simultaneously while plugging the power back in.
3) The DreamScaler3 will take about 15-20 seconds to perform the hard reset.
The picture has horizontal lines with the Output set to 1080p60 (or 720p60)
The Output Format 1080p60 is defined by SMPTE 274M standard to match a Video Output at 60 frames per second
(or 59.94Hz, depending on your display). Using the Output Format 1080p60 with a Video Signal at 50Hz can lead to
a wrong decoding by your display.
To obtain a clear picture, do as follow:
Change the output frame rate to 50 Hz-locked then change the output format to 1080p50
Output Setup
Frame Rate
50 Hz
50 Hz lock or Unlock
Output Setup
The Output Signal sent to your display would have a frame rate of 50Hz, using the 1080p50 Output Format.