R699751 - DreamScaler3 User Manual
Frame/Geometry Test Pattern Displayed Correctly
When this test pattern is displayed correctly, it should look like this, with a one-pixel wide white border around the
edge of the screen:
Frame/Geometry Test Pattern
The test pattern is almost displayed correctly. You can see the 1-pixel wide white border on the top, bottom and left
side of the image but not on the right side of the image. By adjusting the horizontal size of this signal to 1360 (rather
than 1366), you can get this test pattern displayed correctly on the display.
To change the horizontal size of the image, you must first put the DreamScaler3 in ‘Advanced’ user mode.
User Mode
Output Setup
In some cases, the output format is correct, but the image just needs to be shifted to fill the screen correctly. Do this
by using the Horizontal and Vertical Shift options in the ‘Output Setup’ menu.
Output Setup
Output Setup
There are three test patterns used to verify that the chosen output resolution is the native resolution of your display
and that you are bypassing any internal processing in your display. They are the checkerboard, vertical lines and
horizontal lines test patterns.
When the checkerboard test pattern is displayed correctly, close up you should be able to see a 1-pixel
checkerboard and at proper viewing distance the image should appear as an even gray. If your display is CRT-based
you will not see this checkerboard, but your screen should be an even gray.
When this test pattern is displayed incorrectly, the resulting image does not look like a fine checkerboard and may
have irregular patterns. When this is the case, the chosen output resolution may not be the native resolution of your
display or your display may scale all input signals even if the input resolution is already at native resolution. Check to
make sure that the output resolution selected on the DreamScaler3 is the correct output resolution for your display.
Any adjustments made to the output format change your selected output from the resolution you selected to
‘User’. This allows you to adjust the output without affecting the default settings
If this test pattern does not appear as it should, and you have chosen the native resolution of your display,
you may not be able to bypass the internal processing on your display.