Install Router Tools
This tool which provides “Smart StartWizard” Firmware Upgrade Program and
TFTP client is in the enclosed CD. It supportsWindows, Mac OS 8/9 and Mac
OS X. Moreover, it provides “Syslog Tool” for Windows system.
Turn on your router
Once all previous steps are completed, turn on your router. After Power is on,
the ACT LED will blink and corresponding LAN port LED will light.
If the LEDs do not light normally, please refer to section A, “Trouble Shooting” for
furthur information.
Connect the blue Ethernet cable between Vigor 2600Ge ports P1/P2/P3/P4 and
any wired PCs.
Connect ADSL port to your ADSL-enabled telephone line. Remember that a
Line Filter should be used for any telephones or fax machines also connected to
the ADSL telephone line.
Connect AC Power adaptor to Power socket.
Ethernet port (between router and PC), DSL port, and Power port as below:
The wire installation