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Flow-Flow Calibration
F6:Alkali-Alkali flow calibration 12.3 S
12ml:Calibration value 12ml
F7:Acid-Acid flow calibration 12.3 S
F8:Water-Water flow calibration 12.3 S
A. Alkali flow calibration: Connect the graduated cylinder
(about 100ml) with the alkali filler (by the side of the steam tube,
as shown in the Figure 6-4); after that, press “F6” key to select
the alkali flow calibration. After the operation is ended,
record the alkali solution volume in the graduated cylinder.
B. Water flow calibration: Connect the graduated cylinder
(about 100ml) with the water filler (same as that for alkali,
as shown in the Figure 6-5); after that, press “F8” key to select
the water flow calibration. After the operation is ended,
record the distilled water volume in the graduated cylinder.
C. Boric acid flow calibration: Place the “distillate outlet pipe” into
the graduated cylinder; press “F7” key to select the acid flow
calibration. After the operation is ended, record the boric acid
solution in the graduated cylinder.
D. Press “
” after above steps are completed.
E. Input the recorded volume (mL value) into the corresponding “calibration value”.
Press “
” key after input for save and exit; here, the calibration is completed.
The factory calibration of the product is performed by distilled water; as the flowing volumes of the
liquid with different concentrations and proportions will be different at the same time, the user is
Figure 6-4 Schematic Diagram for
the Flow Calibration
Water filling and alkali filler
Graduated cylinder
Distillate outlet pipe
Distillation tube
Figure 6.3