4.2. Common sources of error
All efforts made by the patient to support the arm can increase the blood-
pressure. Make sure you are in a comfortable, relaxed position. Do not activate
any of the muscles during the measurement. Use a cushion for support if
The performance of the automated sphygmomanometer can be affected by
extremes of temperature, humidity and altitude.
Avoid compression or restriction of the connection tubing.
A loose cuff causes false measurement values.
With repeated measurements, blood accumulates in the respective arm,
which can lead to false results. Correctly executed blood-pressure
measurements should therefore first be repeated after a 5 minute pause or
after the arm has been held up in order to allow the accumulated blood to flow
away(after at least 3 minutes).
4.3. Fitting the cuff
Insert air connector into air outlet (shown
in the pic). Please make sure the fitting of
the air connector is tight and proper to
avoid air leakage.
a) The distance between the edge of cuff
and the elbow should be approx. 2~3cm.
b) Secure the cuff with the Velcro fastener,
so that it lies Comfortably and not too
tight, whereby no space should remain
between the cuff and the arm.
Comparable blood-pressure measurements require the same conditions!
These are always quiet conditions.
c) Lay the arm on a table, with the palm
upwards. Support the arm a little with a
rest (cushion), so that the cuff rests at
about the same height as the heart. Take
care, that the cuff lies free. Remain so for 2
minutes sitting quietly, before beginning
with the measurement.
d) Let legs uncrossed, feet flat on the floor,
back and arm supported
4.4. Measuring procedure
Select the measuring mode:
Standard Single or AF Mode
This device enables you to select
either standard (standard single
m ea s u re m e nt ) o r A F m o d e
(automatic twice measurement).
To select standard mode, slide
the AF switch on the side of the
device downwards to position «1»
and to select AF mode, slide this
switch upwards to position «AF».
Cuff OK Symbol
When the cuff is applied correctly, is displayed while taking a
measurement or using the memory function.