Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Document: Operation Manual
Date: 16-Jun-2011
Version: A.6
Page 21 of 35 H71343
Note: When the Rack Monitor is connected to already wet sensor(s) it cannot determine the parameters of that
All measured data will be compared with the stored settings and dipswitch settings.
If the dipswitch is set to EN13922 the Rack Monitor will continue with step 5
If the dipswitch is set to ROW the Rack Monitor will continue with step 6
If the measure data not complies to the EN 13922 or ROW the rack monitor will continue with step 7
Step 5.
If all sensors complies to the EN13922 standard and if all sensors are dry, a proper ground is verified it will switch to
In case of Five-Wire sensor and channel 9 (pin 9) is still an open channel or in case of Two-Wire sensor and a open
channel 8 (pin 8) it will wait till the vapour recovery coupler is connected.
If everything is connected but one (or more) of the sensor(s) is (are) not conform the NEN-EN13922 the rack
monitor will go to NON-permissive and will indicate the error on the LC-Display.
At this moment a Bypass Key is needed to start loading.
When the bypass key is used the rack monitor will leave the NEN-EN 13922 mode and the message [EN13922] on
the LC-Display will be replaced with [ROW]. Now the rack monitor has switched to the Rest Of the World mode.
(See bypass chapter for details)
Note: In EN13922 a bypass key is not allowed. Therefore when a bypass key is used the rack will always leave
the EN13922 mode.
Step 6.
If all (DRY) sensors are within ROW specifications and a proper ground is verified the rack monitor will go to
When the Dipswitch is set to 6 channels instead of 8 the rack monitor expect 6 dry channels on terminal pin 3 till 8.
terminal pin 1 and 2 will be left floating. (this with any Two-Wire sensor).
Note: if more then 6 Two-Wire sensors are detected when the 8800E/8801E is set to 6 channels a warning
will be shown on the LC-Display.
Step 7.
If the 8800E/8801E Rack Monitor cannot determine the type and/or amount of sensors it will go directly to unknown
sensors detected and a bypass key is needed to continue. (See bypass chapter for details)
Possible abbreviation used in line 7 of the LC-Display
Sensor Ok
Short to other sensor
Short to Ground
Unknown sensor
Non Norm sensor