Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Document: Operation Manual
Date: 16-Jun-2011
Version: A.6
Page 14 of 35 H71343
LED Display info.
Two-Wire sensors
Getting permissive,
(connect Plug)
Red compartment indicators are continuous on.
White earth indicators inversely flashing (if ok).
Green indicators flashing
: getting permissive (e.g. heating).
Green indicators continuous on : compartment dry
If all (8) green indicators are continuous on (DRY) the red indicators will be switched off and truck is permissive to
Getting wet during loading.
Green indicators : of all dry compartments are continuous on and wet compartment is off
Red indicator
: of all dry compartment are flashing and wet compartment is continuous on.
If bypass key is used.
Green indicators : of all dry compartments are continuous on and wet compartment is off
Red indicator
: of all dry compartments are off and wet compartment continuous on
Yellow indicators : inversely flashing
Continuous checking overfill detection on non-bypassed compartments.
Getting wet again during loading.
Green indicators : of all dry compartments are continuous on and wet compartments are off
Red indicator
: of all dry compartment are flashing and wet compartments are continuous on.
Yellow indicators : inversely flashing
Five-Wire sensors
Getting permissive,
(Connect Plug)
Red compartment indicators are continuous on.
White earth indicators inversely flashing (if ok).
Green indicators : amount of dry detected compartments
the red indicators will be switched off and truck is permissive to load.
Getting wet during loading. ( e.g. 6 compartment truck. 4 becomes wet)
Green indicators : dry compartments 1,2,3 and 5 are continuous on and wet compartment 4 is off
Red indicators
: dry compartments 1,2,3 and 5 till 12 are flashing and wet compartment 4 is continuous on.
If bypass key is used.
The Rack Monitor will switch to permissive but no compartments will be monitored due to sensor
Yellow indicators : inversely flashing
Getting wet again during loading.
No continuous overfill detection possible in Five-Wire mode.
Faulty detected sensors.
LED indication when a sensor fault (or more) is (are) detected
Green indicators : all off
Red indicator
: all correct detected sensors are flashing and faulty sensor(s) is (are) continuous on
If the fault is bypassed the rack monitor will revert to the state mentioned above with the faulty channels bypassed.
Note: is some, cases most likely with Five-Wire sensors it is not possible to continue with an overfill detection