TCM 515Z – 2.4 GHZ IEEE 802.15.4 Transceiver
© 2017 EnOcean | www.enocean.com
F-710-017, V1.0
TCM 515Z User Manual | v1.6 | September 2017 | Page 8/46
Signal Description
TCM 515Z is supplied by the VDD and GND Pins. The required supply voltage is 3.3V with a
tolerance of no more than +-10%.
TCM 515Z receives and transmits data based on a 50Ω whip antenna connected to its AN-
TENNA input (Pin 2).
TCM 515Z communicates with the external host using the standard ESP3 serial (UART) in-
terface based on the signals UART_TX (Pin 21, direction from TCM 515Z to external host)
and UART_RX (Pin 20, direction from external host to TCM 51Z).
The default interface speed of the ESP3 interface is 57600 bit per second (the exact speed
is 57347 Bit per second, a deviation of -0.04%).
It is possible to select faster communication speeds of 115200, 230400 and 460800 bit per
second during operation using the CO_SET_BAUDRATE command as shown in Table 15.
Additionally it is possible to change the default ESP3 interface speed at power up from
57.600 Bit per second to 460.800 Bit per second by connecting the TURBO input (Pin 31) to
Ground. Subsequent modification of the interface speed during operation using the
CO_SET_BAUDRATE command is always possible irrespective of the state of the TURBO
input pin.
High-level operation principle
In receive mode, TCM 515Z forwards the content of received IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegrams
(which pass frame check sum validation) unmodified to the external host via the ESP3 in-
The forwarded frame starts with the Length field of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Header, contin-
ues with the MAC Header and ends with the last Byte of the MAC Payload. The frame check
sum (MAC Trailer) will not be forwarded to the host.
In transmit mode, TCM 515Z receives from the external host the precomputed message
payload starting with the Length field of the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Header, continuing with the
MAC Header and ending with the last Byte of the MAC Payload.
TCM 515Z then calculates the frame check sum (MAC Trailer) and appends it to the mes-
sage. The full frame (including the Preamble and Start of Frame fields) will then be trans-
mitted as IEEE 802.15.4 radio telegram (TX mode).