Technical User Guide
DOL 94-10
6 Manual calibration of poultry scale
If the scale is connected to a SKOV production controller, calibration should always be made by means of
the production controller menus. See the controller documentation for description.
From the factory, the scale is calibrated but it ought to be tested and possibly calibrated once a year, if needed.
1. Place the scale in its location.
2. Connect the scale and wait for minimum 30 minutes at the ser-
vice temperature before calibration.
3. The cap is removed by turning it in the direction specified.
4. Clean the cap and scale of litter and dirt.
5. Remove the rubber plug.
Press the button to start
Press the button to start
1. Place the cap upside down on the end of the top frame so the electric module is uncovered.
2. Make adjustment through the hole. The green LED will be on at the beginning:
3. At empty cap 0kg.
Push the button and hold it until the green LED begins to flash quickly. Then let go of the button. Wait until
the green LED begins to flash slowly.
4. Place 10kg on the cap:
Push the button and hold it until the green LED begins to flash quickly. Let go of the button and wait until
the LED stops flashing.
5. Remove the weight again.
If during calibration, the red LED has been flashing, an error has occured during the calibration process and
it should be repeated.
Put the weight/weights on the scale in the same way each time.