The trainer’s elementary knowledge of the dog training is the prerequisite for using
the training collar.
If you don´t have this knowledge, we recommend you to contact a training center,
a cynology club, or a school for dogs where you will learn the basic communication
with your dog.
You can start using the collar for the 6 months old dog, which have undergone the
basic training and is familiar with basic obedience commands including „sit“, „down“,
„stay“ or at least „stop it“, „leave it“.
Require these commands along with the audible beep tone, so your dog will create
a connection between them.
After a command that is successfully executed, you should always reward or
encourage your dog, so the dog will be happy to fulfill your commands and a desire
to fulfill your commands will grow.
You must not consider the executed command as the absolute obviousness and
punish disobedience - your dog would soon lose an interest.
If you are not sure that your dog will obey you after recall, start training e.g. on a
tracking rope.
Your dog will have to get used to the collar; let the dog wear the collar for a few
days, but do not use it so that your pet does not discover the connection with its
attachment and effects.
Affirmative and efficient training requires some time: don‘t hurry!
Select a well-known environment your dog is used to.
Choose the right moment to press the button; exactly at the moment when your
dog does something what is not allowed.
In case of any problems and for further advice, please do not hesitate to contact a
professional trainer.
The basics of using a training collar
Transmitter – button functions
Audible beep tone:
The receiver on dog‘s collar begins to emit an audible beep tone (an acoustic signal).
This command can precede a stimulation impuls. It is also a very effective warning
tool. You can use the acoustic signal instead of the command: Come! / Heel! In this
case it replaces a whistle, the dog always perceives its sound in the same intensity.
It‘s very important always to use the beep sounds in the same way in order not to
confuse your dog. While transmitting the audible beep tone, the green LED indica-
tor of the receiver is emitting a light.
Audible beeep tone
30 s
short (electronic clicker)