Other Features
[Administrators] Dialog
Even a user without administration authority can enable “Printer Setting” etc in function or tab unit.
Non-administrative User Settings:
Selected functions can be set by checking the checkbox.
Printer Counter Clear: The [Clear] button of the print counter in the [Printer Status] Tab enables.
Printer Setting – Tab: The settings in the [Printer Setting] Tab enables.
Retransfer – Tab:
The settings in the [Retransfer] Tab enables.
Bend Remedy – Tab: The settings in the [Bend Remedy] Tab enables.
Media Setting – Tab: The settings in the [Media Setting] Tab enables.
Printer Select – Tab: The settings in the [Printer Select] Tab enables.
Test Print:
The [Test Print] in the [Others] Tab enables.
Firmware Download: The [Firmware Download] in the [Others] Tab enables.
No caution screen upon starting up:
When a user without administrator authority runs the status monitor, the caution
screen will not be displayed initially.
“Executing the status monitor” (Refer to Page 3 of this manual)
When specifying as a user without administrator authority, the “Card Type” item is not saved in
the status monitor. To save the settings, log in as a user with administrator authority.
Update button:
For setting to status Monitor whether the checkbox are checked.
Close button:
Close the [Administrators] dialog.