The main effects are a standard serial effects loop. The return jack set breaks the signal
chain and results in 100% of the signal going through the effects loop before coming
back to the rest of the signal chain. The send can also be used as an extra signal output
if the return jack is not used.
Tuner Output
This Jack provides a slightly amplified and buffered signal that can be connected to the
tuner input of your choice.
Rack Access Rear Input Jack
This Jack provides an alternative input access for plugging in things like wireless
receivers or any input that needs to be connected from inside the rack or to the back of
the unit. When you operate the rear panel input jack you cannot operate the front panel
input jack. They are configured to be either or.
Turning on your amplifier
Before turning on your amplifier please make sure you read the manual and understand
it. Make the connections your loudspeaker before powering on the amplifier. Switch on
amplifier by pressing the mains power switch ( | ) emblem on the top of the switch. All
the amplifier management lights on the front panel will come on momentarily. Then the
red and yellow lights will turn off leaving only the green light glowing steadily. This is the
normal condition and indicates your amplifier is in good condition and ready to operate.
Turning off the amplifier
Press the ( 0 ) emblem on the mains power switch to turn off the unit. It is located on the
back panel. All the lights on the amplifier management group will light up momentarily
but after few seconds they will all go off.
What to expect if your amplifier goes into the protect mode
Your 1350 amplifier has a very sophisticated 1 cycle monitoring system for the power
supply and amplifier. If the system detects a short circuit or a dangerous condition such
as, over temperature, excessive amounts of clipping, excessive current usage, or
improper power configuration conditions the amplifier may go into the protect mode for
The Red Protect light will come on to alert you that the unit is in the protect mode.
Determine what is causing the unit to go into protect mode. After you resolve that
problem, you will need to shut off and then restart your amplifier.
Whenever the
amplifier goes into the protection mode it will be necessary to shutdown and then restart
the amplifier to clear the safety function lockout and restore the unit to normal operating
A damaged speaker cable, intermittent AC connections, excessively high