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Users controls the four users/logins that can have access to modify playback and/or player controls. Users is
only accessible when logged in as the Admin. By default, only the Admin and Remote Control are enabled.
User Types
admin: This is the master login that can control all of the player functions. You cannot disable this login or any
of its permissions. It is advised that you keep this login information private and set up the operator and user
accounts for general use.
Remote Control: By adjusting the settings and permissions for this account, you can control what functions
on the remote control are enabled. For example, by taking away “Change Station” access, the channel up and
down arrows on the remote control will no longer change stations on the player.
operator: This can be used as the generic player control account.
user: This is another login that can be used as a generic player control account.
You may wish to give managers more control access, and designate another login for all employees. If so,
then set operator account to have the level of permissions that your managers should have, and use the user
account for the rest of the employees.