Digital Monitoring Products
7000 Series Keypad Installation Sheet
7000 Series Keypad Installation Sheet
Digital Monitoring Products
All/Perimeter System Arming and Disarming
Press CMD, the keypad displays PERIM ALL (when arming) or DISARM?. Press the Select key under the desired option.
The keypad displays ENTER CODE: -. Present your card to the reader. Once validated by the system, the selected
areas arm or disarm automatically. On 7073 keypads, the Door Strike relay then activates.
Figure 9: All Perimeter Arming and Disarming
Home/Away System Arming and Disarming
Present your card to the reader. If the system is armed, once the card is validated, all areas are disarmed. If the
system is disarmed when you present your card, once the card is validated, all areas are armed in the AWAY mode.
Keypad Door Strike
Area and All/Perimeter Door Strike
From the Status List, present your card to the reader. Once the system validates the card, the Door Strike relay
activates. Home/Away systems only activate the Door Strike relay when arming and disarming.
Figure 10: Present Access Card
Keypad Entry Delay
All Systems
Once the entry delay starts, the keypad sounds an entry tone and displays ENTER CODE: - . Present your card to
the reader. Once validated, the system disarms all areas accessible by you and activates the Door Strike relay. Area
systems provide a delay to allow selected areas only to be disarmed. See Keypad Arming and Disarming.
Figure 11: Entry Delay