Radeberger Str. 21; 01900 Großröhrsdorf
Tel. / Fax. 0049 35952- 429465 /- 429457
; www.dks-engineering.de
A WatchDog Timer monitors the device's function and shuts down the relay in the event of a
10. FAQ
10.1 What determines the response time of the sensor to a humidity event?
The response time from "dry" to "wet" depends strongly on the respective humidity level. For
example, with a humidity increase from less than 1 ppm to only about 10 ppm, there is a
delayed increase in the measured value by about 1 min., which indicates surface effects
(adsorption of the "first" water molecules) on the inner surfaces of the measuring system.
However, if there is a "humidity event" with a significant input of water molecules (more than
100 ppm), the sensor responds immediately (< 1 sec.). Here, too, the visualization of the
measured values as a curve curve on our touchscreen is of particular importance.
10.2 How does the sensor behave in case of wet decrease?
Similarly, the sensor also behaves when the sample gas humidity drops. The electrolytic
moisture degradation generally takes place much more slowly than with a moisture increase
in the sample gas.
of 15-20 min. provided that the entire measuring system has been dried!)
10.3 What do the error messages on the display mean?
Communication Error
Connection device hardware with PC board is
disturbed; is automatically remedied in a time-
controlled manner in the event of a short-term
malfunction (watchdog).
"Destination drive unavailable"
Data should be stored on a USB stick, but no USB
should be connected
"no sensor"
there is no measuring signal on the corresponding
measuring channel = no measuring cell connected;
Measuring cable or sensor defective