The measurement of the arterial oxygen saturation
level using the Pulse Oximeter BSM 382 is
uncomplicated, non-invasive (no blood sample
needs to be taken) and can be carried out almost
everywhere at any time due to the small size and
low weight of the device. Another advantage is
that pulse rate and pulse intensity are
simultaneously determined and displayed. The
Pulse Oximeter BSM 382 can be extremely useful,
particularly for activities that may lead to
deterioration in arterial blood oxygen saturation
(mountain climbing, aviation, hang gliding,
paragliding, endurance sport, etc.) but also for
private checks and during sports and leisure
activities of any kind.
4.2 Advantages of non-invasive
pulse oximetry
Pulse oximetry enables non-invasive
measurements of arterial oxygen saturation as
well as pulse rate and pulse intensity. The
measurement is carried out by two light sources
with different wavelengths (660 nm red light and
940 nm infrared light) which are shone through
the finger and hit a photo electrode on the other
side determining the potions of the light that have
passed through the finger. Depending on the blood
oxygen saturation, different portions of the light
pass through the finger. Based on these
measurements, the device determines the
saturation level.
4.1 What is pulse oximetry?
4.0 Questions regarding pulse oximetry