3.5. Scaling setup
3.5.1. Options of the Process Variable
In the menu
of the
module can be found the
parameters related to the PROCESS variable measurement, -
Decimal Point, Offset, Multiplier Factor-
The decimal point indication helps to read the display in the
desired engineering units.
The decimal point has no real value, i.e. the digits to the right
of the decimal point are not actually decimals. To read values
with resolution to the desired decimal places is achieved by a
combination of decimal point and scaling factor.
For example, suppose a system that provides 100 pulses per 2
meters length of a material. To display length in meters and
centimeters, you should program a factor of 2 (1 pulse = 2
cms) and place the decimal point to the third digit.
OFFSET is the value that takes the counter in a reset event.
By default it is zero whatever is the configuration.
Configurable in the menu
The OFFSET is applied to the PROCESS variable exclusively.
When the OFFSET is different from zero, the LED TARE will
remain active while in the run mode.
The scale factor is programmable from 0.00001 to 99999.
Individual decimal point location makes possible to
program any value within this range independently from
the main decimal point of the display.
Any number below 1 act like a divisor while a number
above 1 acts like a multiplier. (It is not possible to program
a factor=0).
3.5.2 Configuration of display brightness level
Enter > 3 s.
3.5. Scaling Setup
3.5.1. Options of the Process Variable
In the menu
of the
module can be found the
parameters related to the PROCESS variable measurement, -
Decimal Point, Offset, Multiplier Factor-
The decimal point indication helps to read the display in the
desired engineering units.
The decimal point has no real value, i.e. the digits to the right
of the decimal point are not actually decimals. To read values
with resolution to the desired decimal places is achieved by a
combination of decimal point and scaling factor.
For example, suppose a system that provides 100 pulses per 2
meters length of a material. To display length in meters and
centimeters, you should program a factor of 2 (1 pulse = 2
cms) and place the decimal point to the third digit.
OFFSET is the value that takes the counter in a reset event.
By default it is zero whatever is the configuration.
Configurable in the menu
The OFFSET is applied to the PROCESS variable exclusively.
When the OFFSET is different from zero, the LED TARE will
remain active while in the run mode.
The scale factor is programmable from 0.00001 to 99999.
Individual decimal point location makes possible to
program any value within this range independently from
the main decimal point of the display.
Any number below 1 act like a divisor while a number
above 1 acts like a multiplier. (It is not possible to program
a factor=0).
3.5.2 Configuration of display brightness level
Enter > 3 s.