Danish Interpretation Systems
Installation Manual
Manual 01 19 60011
Creating Multiple Halls Definitions
If your CUA or CAA shall have access to monitor more Conference halls you must check the checkbox ‘Create
Hall Definitions’ when prompted during installation of the CUA, CAA or CUI.
This checkbox should also be checked when installing more than one CUI on one machine for controlling more
conference halls from one computer.
During the installation of SW 6000 software, if the ‘Create Hall Definitions’ checkbox is selected, it is time to
set the hall definitions, the following window will appear.
Inside the window there is a grid with 4 parameters:
Hall Name
Room Name: The name of the room inside [Hall Name].
CU Name: The name of the CU Interface unit assigned to [Room Name].
ConnectionString: The string, which the [CU Name] CU Interface uses to connect the specified
database (which has information on delegates and conferences held in [Room Name]. Pressing the
‘Create ConnectionString’ button at the bottom of the window creates the ConnectionString.
There are 4 buttons at the bottom of the window.
‘Delete’ button will delete the current row in the grid.
‘Save’ button will save all row present in the grid to Windows registry.
‘Create ConnectionString’ button is used to create a ConnectionString for the current row on the grid.
When this button is pressed, a new window pops up. The Database Server is the name of the computer
on which the database engine is running. If the ConnectionString on the current row in the grid exists,
the computer name in that string will be used as a default value. If the ConnectionString on the current
row in the grid does not exist, the computer name of the computer the installation program is running