Software Installation
© 2011 ... Directions Ltd
displayed. For this reason it is important to select different colour for different vehicles in order to
make journeys easily distinguishable.
To remove a journey from the map, right click on a vehicle and from the context menu select
Generating journey reports.
There are many types of report.
Two important reports are:
Simple journey report
- Give an overview of journey made within the selected timeframe. This
report can be saved to file as an HTML document or even exported to PDF.
CSV report
creates a (semicolon) delimited text file which can easily be imported into a
spreadsheet application like MS Excel.
The first row contains the name of the vehicle, driver and CRN. The following rows contain each
trip in the selected period:
- journey start (date, time, street), journey end (date, time and street), distance travelled, time
From the vehicle list select one or more vehicles. With a right click bring up the context menu and
select Report and the type of report you want.