Software Installation
© 2011 ... Directions Ltd
Alarm SMS number
- the phone number that SMS alarms will be sent to.
GPRS access point (cable only)
- this setting ensures correct communication through GPRS and
can only be set via a cable connection.
Access point
- the APN for the network provider (e.g. pp.vodafone.co.uk for Vodafone, internet for
O2, orangeinternet for Orange)
User name
- user name for access to the network APN (wap for Vodafone, username for O2,
leave blank for Orange)
- password for access to the network APN (wap for Vodafone, password for O2, leave
blank for Orange)
Sleep mode
- sleep mode lower the power requirement of the unit.
Sleep type
- there are two sleep types, Standard and Deep. The Standard setting only turns of the
GPS but keeps the modem alive. Deep sleep turns off the modem and GPS leading to very low
power draw (>2mA). In deep sleep you cannot communicate with the unit unstill it is woken by the
internal vibration sensor (the vehicle starts moving).
Fall asleep after
- unit will switch to sleep mode if stationary for more that this number of minutes
(1440 minutes is 1 day)
Wake up after
- unit will wake up and check its position after it has been asleep for this many
When you are ready to change the settings click the
Send settings
Downloading data from a unit
From the toolbar select a method of connecting to the tracking unit.
You can only select one icon at a time.
For offline download select
Connect using COM
The unit must be connected to a PC using a
serial cable.
For online download select
Connect using modem
The unit will communicate through its
GSM modem.
For Internet download select
Connect using GPRS
. The unit will communicate through a
GPRS connection.
You can also switch communication type from the main program menu
Tracking / Communication