© 2 0 0 4 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s , i n c .
one-time auto-arming bypass
This will bypass the auto arm feature once only.
With the key, turn the ignition on, then off within two seconds.
The siren will chirp once to confirm auto arming bypass.
The system will not auto arm.
During auto arming bypass the system will not roll up the windows if
SmartWindows is connected, and the accessory output will not auto-
activate when using the remote to arm the system.
low battery warning
When the transmitter battery is low, the siren will generate a low-
pitched tone when the alarm is disarmed.
automatic noise abatement
Alarm sounding is limited to ten 30-second siren duration cycles to
meet European criteria and local noise pollution laws.
nnoottee:: The system will revert to normal auto arming when the system
sees the ignition on for at least three seconds.