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Q: Why do I have shadows or halos around my image?
A: The print head is too high or there is too much static electricity. Make sure the print head height is set
correctly and that you have cleaned the substrate with an alcohol wipe prior to printing.
Q: How will I be able to check to see if the clear ink is flowing through the head?
A: Using a glossy PVC or similar material will allow you to view the clear ink with a nozzle check. Photo
paper or regular paper will not work. Follow the procedure in your Getting Started Guide.
Q: Do I have to use a bi-directional print mode for priming?
A: You can prime in any of the White Print modes, uni- or bi-directional. In any case, it is recommended
that you print in the same resolution as you prime in and in the same direction if possible.
Q: Why should I use the same resolution for priming and printing?
A: You can expect fine detail and precise application of inks with Direct Jet UV printers. As a result, if the
resolution for priming is different than that for printing, you may notice a different start point. This is
usually not a problem when creating full-bleed images.
Q: When should I use the adhesion promoter?
A: The adhesion promoter will be most useful on non-porous surfaces like metal, glass, ceramic and rubber.
Q: Even with the adhesion promoter, the ink is not adhering. What should I do?
A: In addition to using the promoter, try reducing the amount of ink (starting with the clear). A thinner
layer will be harder to get under and scrape off. Always allow the printed product to cure completely for
24 hours before testing adhesion.
Q: How can I print larger images on rounded objects?
A: When printing to round objects (golf balls, bottles, etc.) eliminate the small dots and use a mixture of
medium and large dots. This will help get a larger radius. Be aware, though, that it will also mean that
more ink is laid down and you may see slight color shifts. Contact Direct Color's Tech Support
department for custom print modes.
Q: What is the maximum curve an object can have and still be printed on?
A: On a golf ball, you can print up to a 7/8" diameter logo. Other items are subject to your testing.
Q: What is the necessary table space for the printer?
A: The Direct Jet 1024UV and Direct Jet 1024UVHS measure approximately 33" wide x 50" long (838mm x
1270mm). The table should be at least this large so that all of the leveling feet make full contact with the
table. The table should be placed with space around it sufficient that all sides of the printer can be easily
accessed. The 1014UV is the same width, but does not require the same length.
Q: What tools are required for maintenance?
A: A Philips screwdriver, several Allen wrenches and a few special tools are all provided with the printer.
Q: What start-up/shutdown procedures are necessary?
A: Shake the white ink prior to turning on the printer. Prior to filling the white ink cartridge, invert the white
ink bottle and shake vigorously. Other daily and periodic maintenance procedures are outlined in 3.1.
Q: Do the inks require special storage?
A: Yes. The inks should be stored at room temperature in the supplied ink box and inside a cabinet with no