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problem before proceeding.
7. If the PROG led
does not flash after you press the READ key
, the program track has
a stray voltage or isolation problem, and you will have to power cycle the
you fix this program track issue.
8. Now move the two test track wires over to the RA/RB main track terminals. Make
sure the TRK STATUS led is lit, so the locomotive is energized.
9. On the DT602, for the active throttle press the Loco and the detected active AD2 or
AD4 address number from steps 4 or 5 earlier. Press the Loco key again to complete
decoder address selection.
10. Ensure that as you increase the now active throttle speed the locomotive responds in
both directions by movement on the track.
11. At this point you have proven the will operate properly and you can now
install this on your layout.
1.4 Layout hookup test:
These steps will introduce the to an existing
1. Before connecting the RA/RB terminals to the layout, perform a
short-circuit detection test. With TRACK STATUS lit/ON, short these two termi-
nals or connected wires together. The should beep 4 times and turn OFF
the track for about 1 second, then briefly pulse on the led to show it is attempting to
restart track power.
2. If the does not shut down reliably, check that the DC supply is rated for
5A if connected via the 2mm DC jack, or 8A if connected to the 8A+/- terminals.
If the PWR or NET leds flash quickly during this short test, this indicates that the
DC supply voltage collapses too low at the short circuit current draw, so a better DC
supply is required to properly operate.
4. If the Short circuit test is OK, you can now connect the RA/RB terminals to your
layout, and check you can now run the locomotive from
section 1.3
step 10, OK on
the mainline tracks.
5. Now you can connect the layout LocoNet connection to a RJ12 port on this
CS. If the NET led remains lit red, you can connect the DT602 to a loconet jack
around the layout and check it will again operate the test locomotive OK.
As you operate the test locomotive the NET led will flash indication loconet control
messages are being received. If the NET led stays off, the loconet has short prob
lem in the layout cabling.
7. You can now hook up an isolated program track and test it works as for
section 1.3
8. If your detects two command stations on the LocoNet at power up, it will
issue 10 long beeps and turn off all track power.
1.5 Shutting Down the System
When you are finished with your session, you can shut down the by turning
off power to the system, but this may fail to save some just-modified data. Some users
prefer to “dispatch” or release all addresses active in their system before shutting down.
This can prevent unexpected results when you power up the layout again.
You can sim
ply press the Loco Reset Button on the to clear all addresses from the com
mand station at the end of a session.