© 2022 Digitrax, Inc.
The USB led will glow BLUE to indicate when the USB is enumerated and connected
to a PC responding with proper drivers. The can then be accessed with PC
apps by using the new COM port.
You can use Windows or a utility like the free “UsbTreeView.exe” to determine which
PC COM port the has been enumerated on.
The uses the ’s Program A(PA) and B(PB) terminals for decoder
programming from the PC app. The PC communicates directly to the , and the
LocoNet A,B,or C ports echo any non-programming USB data exchanges with the PC.
8.3 Software Installation
The uses the same Digitrax SoundLoader program and Utilities like;
LocoMonII, DTNetSetup, DigiIPL II etc, as the PR3, PR4, DCS52 and . It
is recommend that you go to http://www.digitrax.com/PR3Xtra and download the latest
editions of these programs to get the most out of your .
8.4 Connecting the to a Computer Additional Troubleshooting
The requires a driver for Windows. If the driver is not installed or not
installed correctly the will not operate with the PC.
To verify proper installation of the drivers:
Start the Windows Device Manager. Under Ports (COM & LPT) there should be a new
Communications Port (COMx) listed when enumeration occurs, where COMx is the
communications port number or COM port.
Right clicking on this communications port and then clicking on Properties, Details and
then “Bus reported device description” property line should show “Vcom ”.
This correct enumerated COMx port number is used by Soundloader or other
utility programs for proper operation. If the Windows allocated COM port is above the
software’s range, you may have to make Windows re-number the COM port.
9.0 IPL Updating the to the latest firmware
Occasionally Digitrax makes updates and improvements to the operational code of its
products. In order to update your you will need to have the DigiIPLII utility
installed on a computer connected to your LocoNet and the latest IPL firmware
file. The can be updated either directly using its USB connection (fastest
method) or via LocoNet using a PR3, PR4 or other computer to LocoNet interface.
When IPL updating via USB the PWR indicator will flash GREEN alternating with the
NET indicator flashing fast RED.
When updating via LocoNet the PWR indicator will flash Green alternating with the
NET indicator flashing RED slow, about once a second.
For additional information, FAQ’s and the latest
firmware files visit http://www.digitrax.
com/downloads/ or the product pages.