• Event Out:
E-mail: Select the email addresses you want to notify via email that an event
has occurred.
FTP: Select a checkbox beside FTP to record and save images to an FTP server
when an event has occurred.
Alarm out: Check this box to enable the alarm out.
Audio Alert: Select an Audio Alert file as the Network Transmitter output when
the audio alert event triggered. The Audio Alert file must first be configured on
the Event On page.
XML Notification: It sends XML messages to a Notification server that listens
for these. The destination server must first be configured on the Event On page.
Boost: When an event has occurred, the camera will boost the Frame rate and
Bit rate from the normal condition to this boosted level for the duration of the
event. Check the box to enable the Function.
PTZ preset: Select the preset position you want to move to the event. If you
want to move back to the home position after the event, which is pre-defined
in the Alarm Out - PTZ Preset page, check the “Return to the home position
after event” box.
Record: Record video stream when an event has occurred. The Record option
must first be configured on the Event Out page.
NOTE: This button disappears if you select AIHM as an event.
Notification Server: It sends notification messages to the notification server
that listens for these. The destination server must first be configured on the
Event On page. Enter a message you want to send.
Click the OK button to save the settings, or click the Cancel button to clear all of the
information you entered without saving it.