TellerScan 4120 User Manual Rev 050609
Cleaning The TellerScan® 4120 using ScanLite Software
Helpful Hints
1. Do not use stickers to cover up previously sprayed numbers on documents. The backing
from the stickers can rub off onto the rollers and cause documents to jam.
2. Do not use White Out on scanned documents, the White Out can rub off the documents
onto the scanner camera faceplate and distort the images.
3. Watch for loose debris falling into the scanner such as staples and rubber bands.
The ScanLite program, which is available from the Digital Check web site, is an excellent utility to run while
performing the cleaning procedures recommended below. ScanLite provides an easy way to initiate the scan
cycles in order to feed the cleaning cards properly through the scanner. ScanLite also includes an ‘Eject’
button which operates the scanner at half its normal speed, making it easy to scrub off the four main drive
rollers when using the cleaning swabs.
Visit the following site to download ScanLite: