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This means the WR41V1 has been successfully flashed and correct communication with the internal
radio module (if fitted) verified.
At this stage the following hardware components (and more) have been successfully tested :
Interface to radio module (if fitted)
Reviewing Flashwriter error messages
If during the previous session an error occurred, please check the table below for the recommended
course of action:
Error Message
Unable to establish contact with IMX CPU.
This should not occur if the teslatest program was successful so suggests
user error or bad PC serial port, please try this step again.
Correct response not received to download
This is very likely a hardware problem (as long as PC serial port is working
correctly). Check again that this works on a known good router, if it does and
it still fails with this error on the suspected bad router then request an RMA
with error reason: “Correct response not received to download command”
Error writing to flash: 'Did not receive correct
response to F command'
This is very likely a hardware problem (as long as PC serial port is working
correctly). Check again that this works on a known good router, if it does and
it still fails with this error on a bad router then request an RMA with reason:
“Tesla boot F command failure”
Confirmation of boot code not received.
This suggests a hardware problem (as long as PC serial port is working
correctly). Check again that this works on a known good router, if it does and