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As you are testing “Serial 0” just click OK.
If any error messages occur, please refer to the following table to identify the best course of action:
Error Message
Problem sending AT\LS
Flashwriter is unable to establish contact with the router under test. Please
check the cabling and try again. If the problem persists then repeat the
process with a known working router. If the test is successful on a known
working router and the problem is repeatable on the router under test,
please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter serial I/O test fail.”
Problem with DCD on (DCD was OFF when
supposed to be ON)
First carefully check you are entering the correct serial/asy port number. If
you get this wrong you will get a false fail! Next to verify cabling, please
repeat this procedure on a known working router. If the test is successful on
a known working router but repeatedly fails on the router under test then
please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter DCD test fail.”
Problem with DCD on (DCD was ON when
supposed to be OFF)
First carefully check you are entering the correct serial/asy port number. If
you get this wrong you will get a false fail! Next to verify cabling, please
repeat this procedure on a known working router. If the test is successful on
a known working router but repeatedly fails on the router under test then
please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter DCD test fail.”
Problem with DTR (DTR is off and should be
To verify cabling, please repeat this procedure on a known working router. If
the test is successful on a known working router but repeatedly fails on the
router under test then please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter DTR
test fail.”
Problem with DTR (DTR is ON and should be
OFF) on
To verify cabling, please repeat this procedure on a known working router. If
the test is successful on a known working router but repeatedly fails on the
router under test then please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter DTR
test fail.”
Problem with CTS (CTS is ON and should be
OFF) on
To verify cabling, please repeat this procedure on a known working router. If
the test is successful on a known working router but repeatedly fails on the
router under test then please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter CTS
test fail.”
Problem with CTS (CTS is OFF and should be
ON) on
To verify cabling, please repeat this procedure on a known working router. If
the test is successful on a known working router but repeatedly fails on the
router under test then please request an RMA with reason: “Flashwriter CTS
test fail.”