GUI: tooltips and Edit
The graphic engine has been designed
with a purpose in mind: keeping a clear
indication of the status of the elements
without altering their 3D rendering on
the scene. Tooltips serve this purpose
perfectly especially when dealing with
knobs status. A typical approach to this
problem would be to compress the
height of the knobs trying to prevent
the user to commit parallax errors. As a
side effect the graphic designer would
be forced to take into account this
constraint by limiting the 3D depth of
the scene.
Another good reason to use a tooltip-
based approach is to allow the update
of the knobs status by using an Edit
The tooltip approach
EDIT mode
When using a state-of-the-art system –
see minimum requirements in the
product webpage – the GUI is able to
deliver more than 60 FPS at a
reasonably low CPU usage for a super
fluid knob tweaking and a hyper
realistic meter response.
The Views
Two 3-dimensional views are available
with this release: a more standard “2D
like” and a “full 3D style”. These views
can be swapped by double-clicking on
“SwitchGui.bat” (Windows) /
“SwitchGui.sh” (MacOS), which is
located in your plugin/renderer
installation folder, and then by
restarting your sequencer. This
operation affects all the instances of
the plugin.
Note: “SwitchGui” requires write
permissions on your MercuryRec VST3