Run the Job
Save the Job
Going to the Run view will automatically download your
job to the CS 50 and start it running.
The Run view provides the following feedback:
Image Display: Displays runtime images with Tool graphics;
Inspection Counts: Displays the number of parts inspected,
passed and rejected;
Inspection Timing Statistics: Displays statistics on the speed
of your inspection;
Tool Results: Shows the Pass/Fail status and inspection
data from each of your Tools.
The following options are provided:
Adjust the speed of the image display;
Enable/disable graphics display;
Save uploaded images to the PC;
Clear the inspection counts.
Click the Save icon to save the job to the smart CS 50‘s
fl ash memory.
Note: The Save icon shows a popup menu of jobs, allowing
you to overwrite existing jobs or to create a new job.
1. Click the Stop icon.
2. Click the Save icon.
3. Click the Run icon to start again.
Note that jobs that are confi gured to run on stored images,
saved, and then opened on a CS 50, will have their snapshot
setting changed to Acquire.