DHOLLANDIA lifts are regularly being adapted to new vehicle and chassis developments, and specialized customer requirements.
Therefore DHOLLANDIA reserves the right to alter product specifications without prior notice; and potentially modifications or new
developments might not have been taken into account at the time of printing
Please confirm you have reviewed the most up-to-date version of this manual prior to operation of the associated DHOLLANDIA
mobile column lift. See below for instructions to download the latest version of the manual.
Contact your national DHOLLANDIA distributor if you have any questions regarding the installation, operation, repair and
maintenance of DHOLLANDIA mobile column lifts, to obtain replacement copies of manuals or decals, or to learn about available
equipment options for DHOLLANDIA mobile column lifts.
If in doubt where to find your national DHOLLANDIA distributor, visit the official DHOLLANDIA website:
www.dhollandia.com → Country & language selection → Distributors & service
The latest version of all manuals can also be downloaded from the DHOLLANDIA website:
www.dhollandia.com → Country & language selection → Downloads → Operation manuals →
… select required manual
Take notice of following important disclaimers:
DHOLLANDIA disclaims liability for any personal injury, death, or property damage that results from operating a mobile
column lift that has been modified from the original design, without explicit written approval from the manufacturer.
DHOLLANDIA disclaims liability for any personal injury, death, or property damage that results from use of aftermarket or
non-OEM replacement parts for service or repair of the mobile column lift.
DHOLLANDIA disclaims liability for any personal injury, death, or property damage that results from improper use of the
mobile column lift.
DHOLLANDIA disclaims liability for any personal injury, death, or property damage that results from overloading or improperly
loading the load carrying structure, disregard of the maximum rated lift capacity and the applicable load charts.
DHOLLANDIA disclaims liability for any personal injury, death, or property damage that results from not following the safety
instructions in this manual.
There are no warranties, express or implied, including the warranty of merchantability or a warranty of fitness for a particular
purpose extending beyond that set forth in this manual