If not level, the master and slave columns of a single mobile column lift can be levelled as follows:
Position the master and slave columns opposite each
other, so that you can check easily if they are level or not.
Locate the levelling valve on the power pack on the master
column. In default position, the handle on this valve should
point down.
Turn the handle of the levelling valve counter clockwise.
Press LIFT / LOWER until both lift columns are at equal
Turn the handle of the levelling valve clockwise, back to its
default position.
Press LIFT / LOWER to check if the master and slave
columns go up and down in a synchronised way.
If levelling process is not successful, DO NOT use the
mobile column lift, put it out of operation and contact an
authorized DHOLLANDIA service agent for repair.
An easy way to check if both columns are level, is to start with the lift forks at approx. 200-300 mm above the ground. Turn
the levelling valve counter clockwise. Then press LOWER until both lift forks are at their deepest position at the ground. Finally
turn the handle clockwise, back to its default positon, and check the result.