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7.1 Mul�ple strings and parallel connec�on meters
If there're several inverters parallelling opera�on in a plant, also it can use 1pcs
meter to realize zero export func�on.For example, if there're 3pcs inverters
parallelling opera�on in the system with 1pcs meter.We need to setup 1pcs
inverteras the master and others setup as slaves. And, all of them need to connect
to the meter via RS485.Below is the system diagram and configura�on of
the system.
This applica�on is that when the string inverters work in parallel, there is only one
power grid and one load, and only one meter can be connected to prevent reverse
current, so only this many-to-one an�-reverse current connec�on can be connected.
MENU Setting
Exp_Mode AVG
CT_Ratio 1
FeedIn 0.0KW
Shunt OFF
ShuntQTY 4
Generator ON
G.CT 1
G.Pout 0%
G.Cap 200.0 KW
Pic 7.9 Meter func�on