Product Features & Specifications
All Devin
e VersaKey MIDI keyboards have a similar construction and functionality. The
difference between each model lies in the number of keys and the number of fitted
parameter buttons.
Below, an overview of the 61-key model has been included. Each of the other models
included in the VersaKey Series all offer similar features.
1. The Keyboard Section
The keyboard section of every VersaKey model is the same, whether fitted with 25, 49, 61,
or 88 keys. Simple or complex chords and melodies can be played on this MIDI keyboard,
just as you would with any normal piano or keyboard. These keys are velocity sensitive and
have an after-touch function that registers the pressure with which the key is held after it has
been initially struck.
2. Pitch Bend & Modulation
Every VersaKey model comes fitted with two touch strips on the left of the keyboard that can
be used to control Pitch Bend and Modulation.
By sliding a fingertip up or down the Pitch Bend touch strip, the pitch of a note or chord can
be smoothly ‘bent’ up or down to create a distinct effect.
The Modulation touch strip can be used to increase or reduce the intensity of an effect.
Unlike the Pitch Bend touch strip, there is no need to hold your fingertip against the strip.
The effect will stay at the same set intensity until the strip is touched again.
3. Transport Buttons
The transport button section provides all of the functions needed to quickly control a channel
or trigger recording controls within software, including ‘record start’ and ‘stop’, ‘playback’ and
‘stop’, ‘track rewind’, and so on.
Beneath the initial transport section is a separate set of buttons that offer quick access to
functions like MIDI channel selection, pitch per octave adjustment, and key touch sensitivity
The information included in this user manual is subject to change at any time and without notification:
Date and author initials: 02-11-2020 RV
Revision date and author initials: -