User Manual v4.10
The internal time base, T1 is derived from the crystal on the module. It’s accurate but will drift
over time so that the capture event may not happen “on the hour”. Even if you started it on
the hour is will drift out by a few seconds a day. So as a final refinement we will synchronize
our time base with the real time derived from a schedule.
The target relay is set to zero as we don’t need to use any relays for this. All week days are set
so we perform the synchronization every day. Start/stop time 1 is used to activate the sched-
ule at 1 second past midnight each day. The second start/stop time is disabled as both times
are identical.
Now go back to counter1 and add “|S1” to the reset input. Now our time base timer will reset
every hour or when schedule1 triggers it.
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