User Manual v4.10
Sequencer commands
There are a set of 12 commands to control the sequencer.
The simplest of these is just a number which is the time delay in seconds.
Numbers may be up 4093 seconds.
This is the time delay in mS. There is a limit of Max. 4093ms.
The time delay in minutes. There is a limit of Max. 4093 minutes.
The delay in hours. There is a limit of Max. 596 hours.
Unspecified delay in seconds. Its a random number up to the limit specified.
The Max. delay that may be specified is 4093 seconds.
Waits until the specified time before continuing. Make sure you have an internet
connection and the clock is correctly set up on the Scheduler page.
At the start of all the delay commands above, the K outputs will be updated with
the specified settings, then after the delay time, the sequencer moves on to the
next line.
None of the following commands will update the K outputs. If you specify
anything in these check boxes they will be ignored. The instructions are executed
immediately with no delays.
Jumps to the specified line.
Calls the specified line. The sequencer has a 4 deep call/return stack. The line
following this one is pushed onto the stack and control transferred to the
specified line.
eXit. Returns from a previous call. The line that was pushed onto the stack from
the last call is popped off and control transferred to that line. There are no
parameters to this command.
The following conditional jump commands take two parameters, the object
number and the line to jump to. They will jump to the specified line if the object
is active (on), otherwise continues with the next line. They do not stop and wait.
R1, 12
Tests R1 (Relay 1) and jumps to line 12 if active (on).
D1, 20
Tests D1 (Digital Input 1) and jumps to line 20 if active.
S1, 30
Tests S1 (Schedule 1) and jumps to line 30 if active.
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