User Manual v4.10
When selecting the Modbus commands, an additional set of configuration boxes are available.
These allow you to select the UID, normally you will leave this at the default of 1. The dS2832
will respond to commands on this UID. If you send any other UID it will be treated as the ad-
dress of a Modbus module connected to the RS485 port. Commands to other UID’s will be con-
verted to Modbus RTU format and sent out on the RS485 port. Any responses will be converted
back to Modbus/TCP format and returned to you.
The second box selects the baud rate of the Modbus RTU line and the third box selects even,
odd or no parity.
The Modbus command set implements functions 1, 4, 5 and 15.
When selecting the Modbus command set, make sure you select port 502 which is the official
port number for Modbus over TCP/IP.
A full description of the commands is in the “Command Sets” section later in this manual.
– If you want to use extension modbus modules over the RS485 bus, make sure the
“Enable dSx” checkbox on the dSx Config page is unchecked, then reboot the module.
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