Instruction manual UNIGATE
IC - PROFINET 1Port V. 3.4
Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Script and configuration
Script and configuration
The script stored in the UNIGATE
IC, as well as the configuration, can be replaced or updated
via the serial interface (application) in the configuration mode.
The configuration mode
If the pin „ConfigMode“ pulled to GND during the PowerUp or Reset, then the UNIGATE
starts in the configuration mode. In this mode it is possible to communicate with the IC without
processing the regular software. In this mode it is possible to change the UNIGATE
IC’s settings
of the standard software or to write a new script in the UNIGATE
IC. It shows its start in the con-
figuration mode by issuing a status message (it may take up to 1 minute), which might look as
IC-PN-SC V0.4 [30](c)dA Script(16k)="Leer" Author="Deutschmann Automation GmbH"
Version="1.0" Date=21.08.2001 SN=47110001 IP= MAC=00-14-11-15-19-81
Update the script
The preferred option is to insert the UNIGATE
IC into the base board from Deutschmann
(Developer Board UNIGATE
IC-AB) and use the Deutschmann tools (software WINGATE with
„Write Script“ under „File“ or with the software ScriptProgramTool).
You can also automatically replace the script in your application from your host (see flowchart).