Instruction manual UNIGATE
IC - PROFINET 1Port V. 3.4
Deutschmann Automation GmbH & Co. KG
Hardware design
Handling (mounting the UNIGATE
IC on the carrier board)
Depending on the application and the expected shock- and vibration-conditions you can choose
from the following possibilities for the UNIGATE
IC’s installation on the carrier board:
Mounting on a socket in the carrier board. If necessary solder the UNIGATE
IC to 2 or 4 pins
in the socket. Normally the IC can easily be pulled out after the soldering points have been re-
Make arrangements for two holes next to the socket in the layout. After the UNIGATE
IC was
plugged in the socket pull an isolated wire over the IC and solder it on the carrier board at the
specified holes.
Fasten the UNIGATE
IC with a wire or a tie wrap on the socket.
Manual soldering directly on the carrier board.
Automatic soldering directly on the carrier board, whereas „selective“ soldering is essential (no
wave soldering)
The advantage of the socketed variant is the easy download of Script- and Firmware-updates, if
the carrier board is not designed for it. Besides, that way the Fieldbus can be changed easily by
changing the UNIGATE
IC if the corresponding plug connectors are provided on the carrier
board. Another advantage is, that - normally - only a reflow soldering of the carrier board is ne-
The advantage of the soldered variant is, that the installation height is lower and a higher shock-
and vibration-safety is provided.