Model DM-100
DM-100 Instruction Manual
Rev. 3.5
Page 13 of 41
If a calibration adapter was used during these tests, remove them from the unit, and re-install the
Splash Guard. If the wind guard was used, remove the wind guard.
Initial operational tests are complete. DM-100 toxic gas sensors are factory calibrated prior to shipment, and
should not require significant adjustment on start up. However, it is recommended that a complete calibration
test and adjustment be performed 16 to 24 hours after power-up. Refer to zero and span calibration instructions
in Section 3.3, Calibration.
Deficiency Sensors
Upon completion of all mechanical mounting and termination of all field wiring, apply system power in the
range of 11-30VDC (24VDC typical) and observe the following normal conditions:
If the sensor has a loop power display installed, the display should read close to 20.9%. If a DVM is used to
measure the 4-20mA output, set the DVM to measure millivolts and connect the leads across TP1 and TP2 on
the terminal board. The DVM should read 173.7±2mV.
The reading should stabilize within 1 to 2 minutes of power-up (assuming a ‘normal’ ambient O
Initial Operational Tests
After a warm-up period of 5 minutes the sensor should be checked to verify response to O
Material Requirements
Detcon PN 613-120000-700 700 Series Splash Guard with integral Cal Port and Calibration Wind
Guard (P/N 943-000000-000) -OR-
Detcon PN 943-000006-132 Threaded Calibration Adapter - OR -
Detcon PN 943-01747-T05 Teflon Calibration Adapter for highly reactive gases
Detcon Zero Gas: 100% N2 at fixed flow rate of 200-500cc/min
DVM (if a loop powered display is not installed)
The cover of the junction box will need to be removed if there is not a loop powered
display. The area may need to be de-classified.
Attach the calibration adapter to the threaded sensor housing or connect tubing to the integral cal port.
Apply the test gas at a controlled flow rate of 200-500cc/min (500cc/min is the recommended flow).
If the sensor has a loop power display installed, the display reading should drop to "0". If a DVM is
used to measure the 4-20mA output, set the DVM to measure millivolts and connect the leads across
TP1 and TP2 on the terminal board. The DVM should read 40±2mV.
Remove test gas and calibration adapter. If the sensor has a loop power display installed, the display
should return to a reading of 20.9%. The DVM should return to a reading of 173.7mV (17.37mA).
Initial operational tests are complete. DM-100 O
deficiency sensors are factory calibrated prior to shipment,
and should not require significant adjustment on start up. A complete calibration test and adjustment should be
performed 16 to 24 hours after power-up. Refer to zero and span calibration instructions in Section 3.3,