Shenzhen Dericam Technology Co.,Ltd
4.1.2 Set up an existing camera.
For the Dericam camera you have added or accessed before, you can click the button
Set up an existing camera
” to add it into your mobile device. There are also 2 ways to
add it, by scanning or by manual. We do recommend you to scan and add the camera in
your local network area, so you do not need to enter the UID which is a long identifie and
hard to remember.
1. Scan for your camera
-After click the scanning button to search the Dericam camera in your local network area,
you can get a camera list. Please select the camera you want to set up.
-Give you camera a name, and enter in its right username and password.
-Then you can start the live view and go to the setting page to access or control it.