Shenzhen Dericam Technology Co.,LTD
M501W User Manual
Copyright @ Shenzhen Dericam Technology Co., Limited
5.13 Alarm Service Settings
Alarm Service Settings
Go to option “
Alarm Service Settings
1------Motion Detect Armed
Enable or disable Motion detection alarm service
2------Motion Detect Sensibility From 1 to 10, the bigger the number is, and more sensibility it is.
3------Alarm Input Armed No use, just leave this option alone
4------IO Linkage on Alarm No use, just leave this option alone
5------Send Mail on Alarm E
nable or disable sending snapshots by email
6------Upload Image on Alarm Enable or disable uploading snapshots to FTP server
7------Upload Interval The interval of uploading snapshots
8------Scheduler Enable or disable Schedule alarm service
Normally this alarm service is often used by email alert, sending snapshots to the email address within the Mail
service settings.
5.14 PTZ
Pan/Tilt Speed Settings