Heating for less than 17 minutes will
result in a slightly darker shade,
while more than 17 minutes will
result in a slightly lighter shade.
Caution flask will be hot. Use
heat resistant gloves. After heating
for 17 minutes, remove flask from
heat source, and remove power. If
heat lamps were used, assemble the
warm flask halves with brackets and
the injection insert. Place this flask
assembly in front of the Success
Injection System. Remove the
Cartridge Sleeve and cartridge
assembly from the furnace, keeping
the cartridge assembly horizontal
while transporting it to the flask
assembly. Position the cartridge
assembly on top of the flask so that
the nozzle of the cartridge fits into
the opening of the Injection Insert.
Then grasp the flask assembly with
one hand, the cartridge assembly
with the other hand, and slide the
combined assemblies into the
Success Injection System. Make sure
that the Narrow Piston Head is
properly aligned with the Cartridge
Sleeve. Engage the piston by
depressing the activation switch.
The time between removing the
cartridge assembly from the
oven and injection should be
less than 45 seconds. If longer,
the cartridge will begin to cool
and may result in partial or no
The injection piston should remain
engaged for one (1) minute. After
injection, immediately remove the
flask assembly from the system. Hold
the cartridge assembly with one hand,
then rotate the flask assembly 360˚
with the other hand. Then immediately
disengage the cartridge assembly from
the flask assembly. Finally, expel the
used cartridge using the Knock Out
Base and Knock Out Rod and return
the Cartridge Sleeve to the furnace.
The Cartridge Sleeve must remain in
the furnace when not in use.
Bench cool the flask assembly for 5
minutes before deflasking. Caution
should be used when handling the hot
Cartridge Sleeve, Injection Insert, and
used cartridge. Deflask carefully and
remove the sprues with a cut off disk.
Complete investment and spruing as
per normal Success Instructions.
Eliminate wax as stated above. Inject
the clasps using Lucitone FRS Clear
resin with the heating and injection
technique described above. Finish
the clasps to final contour with
carbide burs, leaving a tail section
that will be incorporated into the
denture base. Refit the clasps onto
the master model. Relieve the tail