Indications for use:
Lucitone FRS is a flexible and
monomer-free thermoplastic dental
resin. This product is intended for the
fabrication of temporary partial or
small to medium size full removable
dentures, as well as occlusal splints
and nightguards.
1. This product is not intended for
long-term restorations and is
intended only for provisional or
temporary applications. Metal
frame partial dentures remain the
“standard” for long-term
2. This product is not intended to be
used as a unilateral restoration.
Restorations of the unilateral
edentulous space must utilize a
bilateral framework design.
1. When using Lucitone FRS, extreme
caution must be used to avoid skin
contact with the heated sleeve,
cartridge furnace heating bay, hot
cartridge, injection insert, piston
head adapter, hot flasks, and heat
lamps or alternate heat source.
Always use heat resistant gloves
with a rating of at least 525˚F
1. When grinding prosthodontic resins,
proper ventilation, masks, and
vacuum systems should be used.
2. Store at 60˚F - 90˚F (16˚C - 32˚C),
away from moisture and direct
sunlight. Excessive moisture
content may cause voids (porosity)
in processed dentures. Always store
the Lucitone FRS cartridges in their
foil bags until ready for use.
3. Accurate denture base shade is
achieved only when processed as
described below, and heating times
are followed.
Adverse Reactions:
1. Particulates will be generated when
grinding thermoplastic resins. Eye,
skin and respiratory irritation may
occur if appropriate safety
precautions are not taken.
The following table describes typical
properties of Lucitone FRS resin plus
recommended processing
temperatures and other important
processing information. Detailed
information is found later in the text.