Thank you for using the BA20-RU DENSO WAVE Bluetooth
Please READ through this manual carefully. It will enable you to use the Bluetooth
adapter BA20-RU correctly.
After you have finished reading this manual, keep it handy for speedy reference.
Do not use this scanner in an environment with electrical noise that can trigger malfunction.
Specifications described in this manual are supported by BA20-RU Firmware version 1.00 or later.
DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED does not assume any product liability arising out of, or in connection with, the
application or use of any product, circuit, or application described herein.
If it is judged by DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED that malfunction of the product is due to the product having
been dropped or subjected to impact, repairs will be made at a reasonable charge even within the warranty period.
Intellectual Property Precaution
DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED ("DENSO WAVE") takes reasonable precautions to ensure its products do not
infringe upon any patent of other intellectual property rights of other(s), but DENSO WAVE cannot be responsible
for any patent or other intellectual property right infringement(s) or violation(s) which arise from (i) the use of
DENSO WAVE's product(s) in connection or in combination with other component(s), product(s), data processing
system(s) or equipment or software not supplied from DENSO WAVE; (ii) the use of DENSO WAVE's products in
a manner for which the same were not intended nor designed; or (iii) any modification of DENSO WAVE's products
by other(s) than DENSO WAVE.
Customer Registration and Inquiries
Customer Registration
To allow us to provide our customers with comprehensive service and support, we request that all customers complete
a Member Registration Form. Registered members will be offered the following privileges.
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Free web-information service "QBdirect"
QBdirect Service Contents
Information search
service (FAQ)
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Download service
Offers downloads of repair modules for the latest BA20-RU Series systems or
software, and sample programs.
E-mail inquiries
Allows customers to send product-related queries by e-mail.
Please note that these privileges may be subject to change without prior notice.
How to Register
Access the URL below and follow the instructions provided.