4. With these compactors it is possible that the allowed sound level of 85 dB (A) can be exceeded,
because of this you have to wear ear protection.
Working with the compactor
1. The engine has to be started with the recoil starter (fig. 1, number 2).
2. It is forbidden to influence or change the effectivity of operating parts (control elements).
3. The user is not allowed to leave the operating area.
4. Before breaks the engine has to be stopped. The machine has to be placed that it is not possible
to overbalance.
5. The re-filling of gasoline has to be done by avoiding getting in touch with hot parts or the ground.
The engine has to be switched off.
6. It is forbidden to smoke or handle with open fire in direct closeness of the machine.
7. You have to take care of a close tank cap. If existing - close the fuel feeding. For long distance
transports you have to discharge the tank completely if it is a machine based on gasoline or
Unclosed fuel tanks can cause explosions and have to be changed immediately.
9. It is forbidden to use the machine in near of explosive materials.
10. At use of compactor with combustion engine in closed rooms, tunnel, bars of deep embankments
it is important to deliver enough healthy breathing air.
11. Hands, feet and clothes are to be kept away from movable parts at working with compactors. You
have to wear safety shoes.
12. During working with the machine near the border of quarries, caverns, acclivities or embankments
it is essential to make safe that the compactors are not able to overbalance.
13. Assure yourself that a sufficient carrying capacity of the ground or substructure is given.
14. Wear appropriate safety clothes during working with the machine and maintenance work.
15. Compactors have to be used by avoiding hand injury by hard parts.
16. Compactors have to be used by assuring their stability.
17. Machines with driving construction are not allowed to be placed on the driving equipment. This
equipment is only made for transporting the machine.
1. Compactors only are allowed to be used with complete safety constructions.
2. Before starting with the work the user has to check the using and safety constructions.
3. If there are discovered lacks in safety or other deficits which can make insecure the use of the
machine or endanger the environment the responsible person has to be informed immediately.
4. Are there lacks of use safety, the work has to be finished immediately.
5. Operati
ng fluids have to be placed in suitable tanks corresponding to the producer’s information.