For use
TT-2000 Ticket Eater purchased after 6-15-2003. Unit contains a 5 digit LED display
Functions and features of
software uses slightly different commands and functions then prior revisions.
These differences are listed below. (See yellow label on prom for Rev. number)
The "Functions" mode is similar to the "setup" mode described earlier in this manual.
A. To Enter Functions Mode:
1. Open top door of Ticket Eater.
2. Reach through hole in logic
PCB cover, press SWI and hold.
Pull "Main Safety" switch out and release
Display will read " F U n C
To choose
to be performed, use Black or Red push button to change function
When desired function number is chosen, press
to execute the command.
Return to Attract Mode. "Snake"
Print Duplicate Receipt.
Print Audit of total tickets inserted. Total is first number printed.
Manual Printer Paper Reset. Use only if paper is replaced before
message displayed.
Manual "FULL" Ticket bin Reset. Use only if bin is emptied before "Full"
is displayed.
Print Options and Settings List.
B. The Red push button in this version software has multi-functions. Pressing the
no message is displayed will have no function. The button will reset the
following messages ONLY when displayed.
When display reads "FULL" press Red button after ticket bin is emptied. Note: The
ticket bin should ALWAYS be emptied after display reads "FULL" and is reset.
2. When display reads
press Red button after
new roll of paper is inserted.
(switch is
with label for functions)
Follow steps on pages 1 through
6 for option settings and "Setup Mode".
NOTE: There are variations of option banks for different revisions of sofhvare.
These differences are noted in the appropriate areas listed in this manual.